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Networking is a specific branch of information technology (IT), and is one of the fastest-growing areas of IT. It involves the processes of building, using and maintaining computer networks – including hardware, software and protocols – so that multiple computing devices can share data (sources: Technopedia; Lifewire).


Networking can include home or business computer networks, and wired or wireless computer networks. As well as their classification, computer networks can also differ in their design. The 2 basic forms of network design are client/server and peer-to-peer networks.


A client/server network relies on a centralised server that stores things like emails, Web pages, files and applications, and is accessed by client computers or other client devices. In contrast, a peer-to-peer network doesn’t rely on a centralised server – instead, client devices connect and communicate with one another to share information and support the same functions (source: Lifewire).


While client/server networks are much more common among businesses, peer-to-peer networks are more common among homes. And, with networking playing a vital role for most businesses in today’s world, networking roles are in increasingly high demand.

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